Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Use a cold compress helps reduce swelling...

You are one of the many women who have suffered because of bacterial vaginosis (BV)? Are you tired of going to the doctor every two months for treatment of recurring BV? You want to get rid of bacterial vaginosis and its symptoms, of course, no current drug use? If you answered yes to these questions, these home remedies and treatments can help cure and

naturally and permanently. Garlic: Some women may be surprised that garlic can help treat their BV. Garlic has strong antifungal properties that can help treat mild vaginal infections. By increasing the amount of garlic they swallow, women can help restore the balance of vaginal bacteria. Garlic can be consumed raw or in the form of capsules. Moreover, peeled clove of garlic, wrap in cheesecloth and put in the vagina, can be used in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Yogurt: Yogurt is full of good bacteria especially Lactobacillusacidophilus, that people need. Women who suffer from BV have to think purchase strattera about eating yogurt daily as a natural remedy for BV. In addition, dipping swabs or cotton balls in plain yogurt and then insert them into the vagina a few hours helps too. Beneficial bacteria in yogurt helps fight infections and fugal help correct this imbalance. Tea: Tea is a popular way to relieve itching and irritation associated with BV. The bag should be soaked in clean water, and set in refrigerator to cool. Cool bag should be placed in the vaginal opening to assist. Take half bath: As simple as it sounds, bath may help relieve symptoms of BV. A hot bath with a tablespoon of salt and few drops of oil of cedar, great home remedy for bacterial vaginosis. Cedar oil helps with itching and salt helps reduce the amount of harmful bacteria. Cold compress: This is probably the easiest. Cold, damp cloth should be installed in the affected area. Although it is not active combat BV, it really helps to relieve symptoms. Use a cold compress helps reduce swelling and itching commonly associated with BV. Powder or leaves him: He is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thus, it works well as a home remedy for bacterial vaginosis. He can be found in powder form and capsules taken to combat with. Fresh leaves nyma (20-25) should be ground into a paste. For best results, women should cook this paste in a glass of water, drain, then use it as a vaginal shower. He leaves to help treat BV for several days. Femanol: If not all funds, and popular herb taken internally to help get rid of vaginal odor and bacterial vaginosis. It contains many antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and herbs and vitamins (eg, deodorized garlic, beta glucan, nyma bark extract, vitamins, biotin, zinc and selenium), which helps get rid of vaginal odor by destroying odors and bacteria causing BV, making Femanol potent natural supplement. Women who think they are, especially for the first time, you should always consult a doctor. You can also get more information. Remember that while bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection, it can lead to more serious conditions such as increased sensitivity to other women STDs such as HIV, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea, and infections such as inflammatory diseases the pelvic organs if not treated. For women who suffer from recurring BV, these home remedies for bacterial vaginosis can only help and treatment they need. .

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