Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Development of ac-associated protein vaccines ...

Vaccines against pneumococcus from James C. Paton

3 different types of bacteria

writing into existing against pneumococcus capsular oriented (PS), of which 91 different serotypes. Purified polyvalent PS vaccine immunogenic in healthy adults, but not in high risk groups such as young children and elderly people. Development of PS-bound protein vaccine overcome the poor immunogenicity of PS in children, but gave protection strictly serotype-specific, and the number of serotypes included more limited than the PS vaccine formulations. Widespread introduction of conjugated vaccines strattera cost in developed countries sharply reduces the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease due to serotypes included in the vaccine. However, these benefits eroded by increasing the number of cases caused by vaccine serotypes not. Combined vaccines are also expensive, which limits their use in developing countries where the burden of pneumococcal infection is greatest. Obviously, there is an urgent need for developing alternative pneumococcal vaccine that (i) inexpensive, (II) immunogenic in young children, and (III) provide protection against all pneumococci, irrespective of serotype. Of particular importance are vaccines including pneumococcal proteins that contribute to virulence and are common to all serotypes. Additional information: | Keywords: | | | | | | | | | | | |

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